Release notes - PRE-Stress
For Educational version, see here.
PRE-Stress 6.7
Released: 2023-09-25
- New: Heidelberg Materials Precast Contiga - Uddevalla hollowcores are now updated to the latest geometry and they also have the strandpatterns added to the Strand pattern manager (Case 125888)
- New: Strängbetong hollowcores are now updated to the latest geometry (Case 119658)
- Fix: Loads with eccentricity on KBE-beams was showing the wrong eccentricity in the printout. (Case 125459)
- Fix: A warning has been added if the maximum iteration has been reached without convergence in the calculations. (Case 127128)
- Fix: Cross section values were in the wrong order when displaying the results for IB-elements. (Case 127346)
- Fix: The program crashed when entering a point load on RBX-beams (Case 128096)
Released: 2023-02-28
- New: A warning if the topping fails will now show in the General overview report (Case 123912)
- Fix: GUI changes to alignment of columns in various windows. (Case 123893)
- Fix: Calculation of shear fields were not symmetric for Swedish NA. It will now calculate the shear fields and V' symmetric again (Case 124433)
- Fix: The first moment of area for hollowcore elements is now calculated correct with regards to the definition in EN1168. This only affects elements that use the Advanced shear formula. (Case 124494)
- Fix: Sometimes when reading files with hollowcores or trying to choose certain hollowcore cross sections, PRE-Stress freezed up (Case 125109)
Released: 2022-10-28
- New: From this version and onwards we do now support EKS 12 as the National Annex of Sweden (Case 122065).
- Fix: Temperature gradients looked strange in some cases where the geometry wasn't completely correct defined. (Case 121163)
- Fix: An error using the Insert for load combinations-function could send too much information to the calculation core, creating double instances and eventually crash the program. (Case 119069)
- Fix: The link to StruSoft Portal has now been updated to the new StruSoft Portal (Case 121730)
- Fix: There was a wrong unit shown in the printout. The correct unit is now [m], This has not changed any calculations. (Case 121205)
- Fix: Utilization of punching check was not set to a percantege value, but to 1 if it was ok. The Utilization is now diplaying in a %-value of the capacity. (Case 122195)
- Fix: There was an error where right hand data for Recess Beam Dialog was not saved properly, this was fixed (Case 121212).
Released: 2022-03-18
- Fix: Center of gravity for toppings where calculated wrong. (Case 118238)
- Fix: There was a mismatch in the definition of point loads affecting the punching of hollowcores. It could trigger the calculation to not proceed correctly. (Case 118935)
- Fix: In some circumstances when the neutral layer was outside the cross section an external load could in some cases trigger a decompression check inaccurately even if the cross section was completely in compression. (Case 118595)
- Fix: A more descriptive error message is shown if the automatic design of flange reinforcement fails, it will no longer freeze the calculation. (Case 118211)
- Fix: Explanation for parameters in the Max of load combinations (ULS)-table has been revised. Calculations have not been affected by this typo. (Case 31093)
- Fix: When the program tried to print the cross sections of IB-elements the program could crash. They will now behave as intended and be possible to print again. (Case 118361)
Released: 2022-02-14
- Fix: The maximum allowed temperature for the insulation criterion for hollowcores has been increased to 160°C according to EN 1168. (Case 117986)
- Fix: In the shear calculation the sigma_cp was incorrectly calculated too high due to estimations of anchorage lengths if there was a dependency chain. (Case 117232)
- Fix: An unexpected error message showed up if the user tried to close the program when there was an active window that needed user attention. (Case 84419)
- Fix: There was an unintended indentation indexation in the snow zone calculation for psi-values. It is now fixed and the correct values will be shown for older files if the Calculation tab is opened or if the load combination is updated. (Case 114217)
Released: 2021-11-26
- New: Educational version for PRE-Stress are now available in StruSoft Installer Educational (Case: 101411)
- Fix: Danish Annex: Old environmental class has been updated to Exposure classes according to DS/EN 1992-1-1 DK NA:2021. (Case 109262)
- Fix: The deadload of the core filling concrete where added to both the Deadload of the element and the Deadload Topping. It is now only being added to the Deadload of the element. (Case 110078)
- Fix: Reworked some of how user defined materials works. Also added input strain values for analysis and design respectively, c1/cu1 & c2/cu2 (Case 110963)
- Fix: Made Fire setting 'Use Epsilon 0,2% values' ticked by default only for Danish annex (Case 109684).
- Fix: Changed the default positions of hollowcore supports to 60mm at the construction-phase and onwards. (Case 112327)
- Fix: Flange reinforcement took into account the length of the beam in the calculation. It is now considering the correct length of the load instead. (Case 111448)
Released: 2021-08-31
- Fix: The application could crash if Load combination-ID 1 was removed before trying to start the recess beam-tool. (Case 109052).
- Fix: In some cases prestressing wires were completely removed if a hole was present in a hollowcore, now only the part of the wires inside the hole will be removed. (Case 108725).
- Fix: Columns in the table results were jumping around for older files. They are now pinned down in the correct position again. (Case 107949).
- Fix: Errors in Recess beam-calculations now have more descriptive error messages. (Case 108853).
- Fix: The transmission lengths could in some cases be calculated incorrect, It has now been fixed. (Case 108077).
Released: 2021-05-10
- Fix: When adjusting reinforcement for elements that did not use the CONSTANT section type, reinforcement bars were deleted when adjusting them in a certain manner. They have now been found are prevented to disappear again! (Case 103404).
- Fix: There was an issue with alignment for CUSTOM beams. It is now in line with how it is supposed to be (Case 103455).
- Fix: Spring stiffness for unsupported joints are now properly saved when adjusting them (Case 70688).
- Fix: Utilization table showed 1.000 as utilization if the punching check passed instead of the real utilization. It is now showing the real utilization again. (Case 103027)
- Fix: Spalling check for hollowcores now supports single wire strands (Case 101490).
- Fix: A window in the Manage section-windows now has the correct language. (Case 101671).
Released: 2021-02-18
- New: Added a new beam type, IB (Case 89395).
- Fix: When a hollowcore with topping had recesses, the topping was drawn in a incorrect position compared to the hollowcore section (Case 83210).
- Fix: The crack distance Sr,max was wrongly calculated for a certain example due to an error in the non-uniformly tensional stress distribution, which is corrected (case 92458).
- Fix: Reinforcement pattern window now handles user defined materials properly (Case 93789)
- Fix: Loadcombinations without cast topping was wrongly included in "Max of load combinations (ULS)" (topping) in the printout, this was corrected (Case 95706)
- Fix: Menu option for showing Flange Reinforcement was incorrectly greyed out under certain circumstances (Case 98925)
- Fix: Required license features for PRE-Stress was simplified (Case 99254)
- Fix: The process for long term convergence iteration was refactored to reduce calculation time and increase accuracy (Case 100264).
- Fix: The pre-stress value went missing in the overview report, it has now been brought back (Case 100493)
- Fix: Calculation of effective height was partly rewritten to handle negative moments with no reinforcement in the tension zone (Case 100609).
Released: 2020-08-21
- Fix: The inclusion of punching result in the program file could under certain circumstances cause 'unexpected file format' (Case 90003).
Released: 2020-06-02
- Fix: Reworked the presentation of the decompression check according to table 7.1N in EN1992-1-1 7.3.1 (5) (Case 87876).
- Fix: Added tighter check intervall for shear utilization close to supports (Case 89641).
Released: 2020-04-23
- Fix: Corrected an issue of how beam segments of section type I was drawn in the Edit alignment window for CUSTOM beams (Case 88614).
Released: 2020-02-28
- Fix: After installation of the program dependency 'Visual C++ 2015-2019 redist' a forced reboot was sometimes triggered (Case 86957).
Released: 2020-02-28
- Fix: Load combinations in serviceability limit states in Swedish NA's contained wrong combination factors (Case 86521).
- Fix: Corrected a spelling mistake in the Fire settings tab (Case 86648).
Released: 2020-01-31
- Fix: Some load values in the overview report was expressed with incorrect unit (Case 84740).
- Fix: Possible to evaluate some load combinations in recess beam even if some load combination have faulty geometrical input (Case 85586).
Released: 2019-12-09
- Fix: When a hollowcore with topping had recesses, the topping was drawn in a incorrect position compared to the hollowcore section (Case 83210).
- Fix: When a hollowcore section had no cores, the a50 measurements used in fire design was incorrectly calculated causing an illogical rise in temperature (Case 84097).
Released: 2019-11-08
- Fix: Reinterpreted the calculation for hollowcore spalling check and reworked its presentation of results (Case 81879).
- Fix: In the import of hollowcore geometry from dwg/dxf, made sure polylines with bulges are properly translated into a smooth set of line segments (Case 82163).
- Fix: For the recess beam calculation, made sure the width value (WB) in the user interface is updated automatically when related input is changed (Case 81984).
- New: Added cover decompression check for exposure classes XC2-4 according to EN1992-1-1 7.3.1 (5) table 7.1N (Case 82173).
- Fix: In the precast->PRE-Stress connection, the results is now back to be written on the elements (Case 82256).
- Fix: Improved how PRE-Stress translates polylines with bulges into polylines with linear line segments when imported from IMPACT Project Manager. Also added support for polyline representation when interpreting precastx-files (Case 82283).
- Fix: Choosing exposure class XA3 in Swedish annex caused a crash (Case 82287).
- Fix: The overview report did not print the correct shear capacity close to supports as the in-program and printout tables did (Case 82571). ==
Released: 2019-10-11
- Fix: For Recess Beam tool: Minimum width was used for controls rather than the width at the height of the recess (Case 78293).
- Fix: 'Choose Code' window at startup now pre selects last used national annex (Case 81337)
- Fix: PRE-Stress can now also read binary input files from IMPACT Project Manager (81620)
- Fix: The .precastx-file format now supports polyline description of the hollowcore profile (Case 81776).
- Fix: For Recess Beam tool : The incorrect material value was sometimes used in comparison (case 81804).
- Fix: The load module now supports EKS11 (Case 81894).
Released: 2019-09-13
- New : Prepared PRE-Stress for the upcoming connection from IMPACT Project Manager.
- New : A link to the examples folder has been added to the File menu. (Case 79408).
- Fix: In some cases of solid slabs a division by zero could occur, showing an infinity-value of utilization (Case 78646).
- Fix: Corrected an issue that caused the section force diagrams to consider window corner as origo rather that start of the element (78930).
- Fix: A graphic glitch occurring for arbitrary toppings on flange beams has been resolved (Case 79589).
- Fix : A load combination dependency check was carried out in fire load combinations, this should not be possible and has corrected (Case 80896).
Released: 2019-04-27
- Fix: Eccentricity is now given in mm instead of m (Case 77389).
- Fix: The automatic design of stirrups now correctly takes max distance between stirrups according to EN1992-1-1 9.2.2 (6) into account (Case 77477).
Released: 2019-04-03
- Fix: With many overlapping recesses the section depth could be sometimes be calculated incorrectly (Case 77092)
- Fix: Fixed a serialization issue with 6.7.008 files (Case 77095).
Released: 2019-04-01
- New: PRE-Stress now support light weight concrete according to EN1992-1-1 Section 11 (Case 3261)
- New: Reinforcement materials according to SS 21 25 53:2013 are now supported in the Swedish Annex (Case: 72190)
- Fix: A warning occurs when trying to remove a base loadcase that is in use in a load combination (Case 76115).
- Fix: In the Spalling calculation for end stirrups, the iteration process for finding a reinforcement setup is aborted if cotangens theta would exceed limits set in Eurocode (Case 76118).
- Fix: For the Precast->PRE-Stress connection, stand-alone ULS load combinations have their calculation option "For shear control, consider section cracked" unticked by default (Case 76447).
- Fix: Under certain circumstances not all base loadcases (B1, B2 etc.) could be added properly to the load combination string in the user interface tab for 'Load combinations' (Case 76619).
- Fix: Prevented program crash when adding dead load (Case: 76711)
- Fix: Support reactions were not showing in a result table (Case: 76828)
- Fix: For DWG-import of HD/F sections, the drawing support was not initialized correctly if it was used several times in one program session (Case: 76904)
- Fix: Result tables for Joint forces and Spring forces showed up empty (Case 76920)
Released: 2019-03-06
- New: Beam type "CUSTOM" added. This beam is built with a number of segments which have different length, alignment, and cross section (Case 40668).
- Fix: Made sure the "Reinforcement pattern manager" and "View reinforcement" window draws the core fillings properly (Case 73912).
- Fix: Made sure the load function for reinforcement pattern handles special characters in the file path (Case 74099).
- Fix: Removed error message "Failed to load pattern" if last used pattern file could not be loaded automatically in the reinforcement pattern window (Case 74326).
- Fix: The Main reinforcement tab is now re-sizable making the section preview become easier to read (Case 74327).
- Fix: Made sure current selection in the 'View reinforcement' window is carried over to the grid in the main reinforcement tab (Case 74329).
- Fix: Added a possibility to link the general material settings between the load combination for one and the same element (Case 74339).
- Fix: Updated shear force check close to supports to take EC2 6.2.1 (8) into account (Case 74529).
- Fix: When considering density PRE-Stress now takes EN1991 annex A (table A.1) into consideration (Case 74692).
- Fix: Layer dialog did not allow smaller cover than one diameter, this limitation was removed (Case 75373).
- Fix: When there are standard diameters defined very close (e.g. 15.2 mm & 15.3 mm), the layer dialog sometimes managed to interpret the chosen diameter as the one close to it instead (Case 75658).
- Fix: Added a new button to the reinforcement pattern manager, "Center align". This function automatically sets the translation in y-direction answering to aligning the bottom center of the loaded strand pattern with the bottom center of the current cross section (Case 75680).
- Fix: Added an option "Close when done unless there are warnings" to the code control status window (Case 75681).
- Fix: Only show deflection results for SLS cases on the main drawing canvas (Case 75682).
Released: 2019-01-15
- Fix: An error in the way the printout settings is read from file could prevent the file from being opened.
- Fix: In the main reinforcement tab, the view reinforcement window now pops up even for slabs (D-Sections).
Released: 2019-01-11
- New: Design of reinforcement considering the phenomena Splitting, Spalling and Bursting according to Eurocode and ModelCode 2010 (Case 40594).
- New: Calculation of anchoring of prestressing strands for cracked cross sections can be performed. (Case 40596)
- New: Calculation of hollowcore concrete topping can now be calculated according to EN1168 Annex F.2.2. (Case: 40642)
- New: Design of reinforcement at recess beam connections at support (Case 40643).
- New: Predefined patterns of reinforcement can be used to place reinforcement and strands according to specific factory placements (Case: 40663).
- New: The load combination tab has now been enhanced with a load combination generator which automatically calculates the factors required due to Eurocode (Case 63989).
- Fix: Certain spans in SIB elements failed to find the defined shear reinforcement resulting to zero shear capacity (Case 71291).
- Fix: Calculation sections differs between what is entered in the "Calculation sections" tab and the result tables (Case 72748).
- Fix: Calculation of crack width used an incorrect value for 'height of tensile zone' for slabs (Case 72750).
- Fix: Concrete compression check was not always performed in the first loadcombination in the dependency chain, i.e. the loadcombination considering circumstances surrounding 'Release' (Case 72786).
- Fix: Stirrups placed in the topping could be removed incorrectly in a clean-up phase (Case 73725).
Released: 2018-09-24
- Fix: In the fire definitions, the reinforcement class (strand/slack) showed one class lower in the UI and printout than was actually was used in the calculation (Case 69528).
- Fix: The printout showed the error text string 'failed to load string' in two places (Case 69619)
Released: 2018-08-31
- Fix: Preface wasn't printed on layouts other than Standard (Case 58941).
- Fix: Topping width smaller than top beam width is now possible to define (Case 63696).
- Fix: Standard section database is now updated with sections from Contiga standard (Case 63986).
- Fix: Having eccentric point loads within the span for a contra eccentric uniform load could end up drawing incorrect spikes in the torsion diagram (Case 67771).
- Fix: Topping joint table showed extreme values when fire was applied from the top (Case 68878).
Released: 2018-06-28
- New: Possibility to calculate punching of hollowcores according to EN1168 using point loads. (Case 40659).
- Fix: Removed checkbox to be able to calculate according to 2nd order theory, Since it is not valid for single beam/slab elements. (Case 60368)
- Fix: Fixed a bug with top reinforcement layout for STT-elements (Case 66728)
- Fix: Optimized torsion calculation for hollowcore and plates to only calculate and design viable checks according to EN1992 and EN1168. (Case 67159)
Released: 2018-06-08
- Fix: Saving an old file and reopening it made all but the Release loadcombination to disappear (Case 66877).
Released: 2018-06-04
- New: For beams with flanges and eccentric loads, in addition to the current torsional reinforcement check, required reinforcement area for "hanging" these loads is calculated and presented (Case 40638).
- Fix: Updated the license system module to version 4.0.10 (Case 65637).
- Fix: Refined the current default error message ('undefined error') for when too long borrow time is requested (Case 65638).
- Fix: Some load combinations weren't calculated for elements with shortened reinforcement in the topping (Case 65643).
- Fix: Irrelevant warning about alpha_cw could be shown for hollowcores during certain circumstances (Case 65644).
- Fix: Made sure the top bars was correctly adjusted due to bend over mid ridge for variable sections (e.g. SIB) (Case 66035).
- Fix: Refined the warning about duplicate loads when defining eccentric loads (Case 66180).
- Fix: Added a contextual error message (rather than the current general one) right before the program enters lockdown mode due to licensing issues (Case 66361).
Released: 2018-04-27
- New: Implemented torsion in beams, both analysis and design (Case 40639)
- New: Possibility to borrow license from a network server (Case 44875)
- New: From the cross section database KB and KBE section can now be chosen, both standard and user defined (Case 40593).
PRE-Stress 6.6
Released: 2018-04-20
- Fix: When reading .precastx-files PRE-Stress was getting the incorrect default values for certain shear related settings. The correct values were used in the calculation though, only the initial printout was showing the incorrect values (Case 63793).
- Fix: Long term parameters was shown incorrectly in the printout, i.e. they remained at 0 (Case 64284).
- Fix: Numbering of core fillings became incorrect if divided by a recess (Case 64304).
- Fix: Stirrups for the topping was not removed from the reinforcement list when topping the deactivated (Case 64660).
- Fix: Made sure the gamma values are correctly updated when you choose to edit an existing (user defined) material (Case 64784).
- Fix: Internal license names was changed in preparation of license borrowing, change is visible in the license file (Case 64124).
Released: 2018-02-14
- New: Updated Teigha SDK to version 4.3.2, this allows for importing hollowcore sections from AutoCAD 2018 files (Case 59445).
- Fix: For Danish national annex, renamed inspection levels (Tightened -> Extended, Relaxed -> Reduced) (Case 63071).
- Fix: With certain slope on a SIB element PRE-Stress was unable to place top reinforcement via the layer dialog (Case 63172).
- Fix : For Swedish national annex, the check for minimum concrete grade in regards to current exposue class (table E.1N) is removed (Case 63212).
- Fix: Added extra check that 'topping stirrups' are removed from the reinforcement list when topping is removed from the element (Case 63237).
- Fix: Composed a better error message for when no loads are defined in any of the basic loadcases used in a loadcombination (Case 63241).
Released: 2017-12-19
- Fix: The incorrect default reinforcement material was used when a new row in the stirrup table was entered manually (Case 60365).
- Fix: Corrected the printout for when multiple point loads are present (Case 61035).
- Fix: For the Precast/PRE-Stress connection, a longitudinal cut hollowcore could end up having shear capacity 0 during certain circumstances (Case 61568).
- Fix: Added 2.11 mm diameter to the default diameter list for strands (Case 61722).
Released: 2017-11-07
- New: Added the possibility to have the moment, shear, and deformation diagrams shown in the printout (Case 38399).
- Fix: In the user interface, a visual que (icon) was added to signal if there is information to the had when hovering the mouse over the controls (case 59217).
- Fix: The information in the popups being showed in the user interface is now also mentioned in the manual body text (Case 59218).
- Fix: Optimized memory allocation process to avoid load combinations not being calculated (Case 59682).
- New: Added direct links to StruSoft Portal and Concrete Creep in the Tools menu (Case 59792).
- Fix: Gradually increasing creep value for sections with small height could cause the calcuation to abort prematurely (59951).
Released: 2017-10-20
- Fix: Refined the check for web shear failure to better take inherited crack status into account (Case 51948).
- Fix: Updated formatting of Eurocode references in the manual (Case 58023).
- Fix: Added a new geometry for the 'Starka 32' hollowcore in the standard database (Case 58984).
- Fix: Reinforcement bar area showed up as zero in the printout (Case 59229).
- Fix: Reinforcement placed in the topping could result in a program crash during crack analysis (Case 59419).
Released: 2017-09-08
- Fix: The Precast/PRE-Stress connection could result in a crash when recesses was positioned close to beam perimeters (Case 53407).
- Fix: For D-sections (slabs) the buttons besides the reinforcement grid in the 'Main reinforcement' tab was incorrectly placed (Case 57648).
- Fix: Made sure the Stirrup Design is not run when shear calculation according to EN 6.2.2 is chosen (Case 57821).
- Fix: Shear field forces was sometimes calculated non symmetric in multiple span beams (Case 57893).
Released: 2017-07-21
- New: Added a few company hollowcores to the standard database that have been read from supplied dwg-files (Case 51555).
- Fix: Status of 'Beams to print' in the printout settings window did not save correctly (Case 52342).
- Fix: Restrained elements (x-dir, start & end) develop internal forces that trigger a warning concerning failed calculation of moment capacities. This control is not applicable in PRE-Stress and have been removed (Case 52406).
- Fix: Restricted possibility to change node position the 'Chosen joint' window (Case 52408).
- Fix: Using 'Add' or 'Insert' in the Prestressed Input windows didn't copy the topping status properly between the load combinations (Case 52418).
- Fix: Made sure you cannot remove a topping from the database that is being used in the current file (Case 52447).
Released: 2017-06-19
New: Shear capacity for core fillings is now calculated according to EN1168 annex F(3) (Case 40632).
- Fix: Hollowcores defined from parameters incorrectly could in turn cause a crash (Case 50938).
- Fix: Fixed a problem causing the clone element function to crash (Case 51419).
- Fix: "Y" is now the default (slack) reinforcement material for the danish annex (Case 51423).
- Fix: Calculation setting 'Consequences class' now have tooltip clarifying it only affects material parameters (Case 51424).
- Fix: For hollowcores, fire setting 'Using Epsilon 0.2% value' is now unticked as default, i.e. using 2% values (Case 51427).
- Fix: Cores described as circles are translated into closed polylines in the hollowcore dxg/dxf import. The number of sides in this polyline has been increased in order to maintain correct section properties after the import (Case 51429).
- Fix: Insert load combination did not update dependency id correctly (Case 51459).
- Fix: Clarified the rules for hollowcore dwg/dxf import (Case 51472).
- Fix: The cover check caused some imported hollowcores to fail when automatically placing reinforcement, e.g. in the layer dialog (Case 51529).
Released: 2017-05-15
- New: Production Planner. From PRE-Stress we can now export planning information that can be readily imported via json file format into IMPACT Production Manager (Case 48870).
- New: Added a calculation option 'Perform spalling check according to EN1168', default setting is 'disabled' (Case 50464).
- Fix: Adding a recess from bottom to top in a hollowcore section imported via dxf/dwg could, during certain circumstances, cause a program crash (case 49873).
- Fix: Updated the topping polyline creation for when much of the topping is 'hugging' the beam (Case 50065).
- Fix: For beams with constant section all bars have their lengths adjusted to match element length when loading a reinforcement pattern (Case 50197).
- Fix: A more refined section offset calculation was implemented to facilitate placing reinforcement properly while taking governing cover values in account (Case 49701).
Released: 2017-04-12
- New: In the Calculation settings tab the current element can be tagged as a ‘Key member’ (Danish annex only, Case 40586).
- Fix: Added general material settings per load combination to the printout (Case 40588).
- New: Each load combination can now have a ‘combination of actions’ defined. Also, for the whole element ‘consequences class’ can be defined in the ‘Calculation settings’ tab. When the material design parameters are calculated these settings are taken into account, i.e. gamma_0 is applied to gamma_c along with gamma_3 (Danish annex, Case 40590).
- New: From the cross section database KB and KBE section can now be chosen, both standard and user defined (Case 40593).
- New: In the main reinforcement tab the load/save buttons can now be used manage the set of reinforcement bars/strands. Each pattern is saved as a file and can reloaded as a file similarly, regardless of current cross section (Case 40601).
- New: The section database now support hollowcore sections to be imported from dwg/dxf-files. Since the import file might contain many geometries the user will be prompted with a dialog from which the intended geometry is chosen (Case 40603).
- New: If checked in the calculation settings, a spalling control is carried out for the first load combination in SLS for each chain of dependence, usually that marked "Release". Formulas to consider comes from EN1168 (Case 40633).
- New: For each load combination an eigenfrequency is calculated which is presented in the printout. It is calculated for each load combination since the E-modulus can differ between load combinations (Case 40661).
- New: An overview drawing of the shear reinforcement has been appended to the printout. Base measurements, diameters and center distances are shown (Case 40665).
- New: The program can calculate and place required shear reinforcement, or it can be (as before) manually placed. Either way the current shear reinforcement is controlled the design phase as usual. Automatic calculation of shear reinforcement is activated by ticking the checkbox “Automatic design of stirrups” in the stirrup reinforcement tab (Case 40666).
- New: The restriction of distance between user defined calculation sections has been reduced to 1 cm making it easier to add special sections of interest. Adding many calculation sections will improve resolution in results but also increase calculation time and printout length (Case 40667).
- Fix: Settings for fire being set in the ‘Fire’ tab is now reflected in the printout (Case 43019).
- Fix: Fixed a crash caused by having no element selected in the 'Prestressed Input' window when initiating a calculation (Case 49758).
- Fix: Removed incorrect notifications in the Code Check window regarding methods for flexural buckling (Case 49757).
PRE-Stress 6.3
Released: 2018-04-20
- Fix: Internal license names was changed in preparation of license borrowing, change is visible in the license file (Case 64124)
Released: 2016-02-05
- New: Added support FlexNet license system.
Released: 2015-04-08
- Fix: Creep value was incorrectly reset to zero when opening saved files (Case 19020).
Released: 2014-10-22
- Fix: The decimal on values added through in the graphical user interface were sometimes removed.
Released: 2014-04-14
- Fix: Moved all program specific settings and databases to the user profile folder to avoid potential user rights issues.
Released: 2013-12-11
- Fixed a bug that caused the reaction and spring forces to not be printed even though such settings was made for the printout.
- Changed all Eurocode examples from British/Swedish annex to standard annex.
- Removed a superfluous warning concerning max shear force being exceeded. Such checks are already visible in the code check window. Also the warning could in certain codes give incorrect references to the code text.
- As a complement to the existing printout a less detailed printout of a more general character has been added to PRE-Stress. This printout will give an overview of the beams added to the current project file in the ultimate limit state only.
- This version of PRE-Stress is designed for IMPACT Precast 12.1.011.
Released: 2013-09-09
- Added support for alternative calculation of shear resistance in uncracked regions close to supports of hollow core slabs according EN 1168:2005. This a made available as a calculation setting.
- Made sure no intermediate sections from interpolation close to recesses and core fillings will be defined as calculation sections in analysis or design.
- Default language has been changed to English.
Released: 2013-04-02
- Fixed an issue with the database files not being copied when changing target folder for the section and material databases.
Released: 2013-01-29
- Added support for user defined adjustment capacity factors for the IMPACT Precast connection. This version connects to IMPACT Precast 12.1.003.
Released: 2012-12-21
- Updated the installation file to accomodate the new StruSoft Installer.
- Fixed a bug causing stirrup groups to be deleted during pre calc updates due to inconsistent group numbering.
- Added support for user defined adjustment factors for shear and bending capacities (calculation setting). The intention with these factors is to consolidate theoretical calculations with evidence from practical tests.
- Added a material (concrete) setting enabling evidence based factors for compressive stress control in SLS long term (EN1992 (5)).
Released: 2012-11-29
- Reinforcement wires are no longer removed when the beam length is changed to be shorter than the reinforcement.
- Fixed some issues with the stirrup geometry and placement in the topping. It caused the stirrups to not be taken into account when calculating Vrds under certain circumstances.
- Fixed a bug where the shear field coordinates was calculated incorrectly causing the ULS loadcases to not be calculated.
- Updated the detailed drawing mode to properly draw stirrups in the main window.
Released: 2012-11-12
- Updated some of the files related to the Impact precast connection.
- Fixed a bug causing the mateial column to change place with the x-coordinate column in some of the reinforcement tables.
- Updated the calculation for shear capacity in the topping joint.
- Fixed the numbering of the core fillings in the "Edit recesses and core fillings" dialog to, should now start numbering on 1 instead of 0.
Released: 2012-10-11
- Fixed a bug that blocked the material choice dialog from popping up when clicked upon in the reinforcement grid for stirrups.
Released: 2012-10-02
- Updated the way in which the program handles the layout file for the print engine.
- Updated the module responsible for saving program settings and search paths.
Released: 2012-09-07
- Updated the way in which user specific settings and data is stored.
Released: 2012-08-16
- Added Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable to the installer. The lack of which prevented the program to start properly.
Released: 2012-07-10
- Made it so there are some "default" user defined calculation sections created at start. First the program tries to add 20 sections, if not possible due to constraints related to section height another cc is chosen.
- The reinforcement area that it used in calculation is now be visible to the user in the reinforcement table (grid).
- Loads are now drawn proportionally by default.
- More adequate default values for prestress per section type/parameters.
- Fixed a bug causing empty nodes to sometimes disappear during edit.
- Fixed a bug in the cloning process that affected the position of the supports.
- Fixed a bug in the cloning process that affected deleting cloned loads between the source beam and the destination beam.
- Adjusted some of the indices in the shear table for topping, for clarification.
- Fixed a bug in the section database utility where some of the parameters for the hollowcore definition differed in name between the actual input text box and the describing schematic.
Released: 2012-05-10
- All user defined strands now have the same set of standard diameters as the standard strands have.
- Updated the default loadcombinations for Eurocode.
- Removed some superfluous menu items.
- Added a column for deformations (z [mm]) in the table for bending results.
- Fixed some issues concerning the width of the main window connected to the current screen resolution.
- "Group area" for stirrups in the reinforcement grid had the wrong unit, is now 'mm2/m'.
- Removed the crack control for serviceability limit state if the exposure class gives us no value
in table 7.1 (S).
Released: 2012-02-29
- A bug causing the result tables to become unreadable is fixed.
- A bug causing the program (in design mode) to crash when changing between different loadcases in the result tables (for example bending result) is fixed.
- Some inconsistencies in terms of deflections between PRE-Stress and Spännbetongbalk 5.3 has been revised. Results should now be the same, although some small differences will remain due to the fact the underlying calculation methodology differs significantly.