Loads in-depth
The loadcase menu option opens a dialogue box.
This box displays the loadcases that will be applied to load combinations. It is recommended that the different loadcases that are to be used during the calculation are defined at earliest opportunity. The loadcases are defined by naming them and then clicking Add. Click OK once all the loadcases have been defined. Once loadcases have been defined, they will be shown in the main program window, in a pull-down menu on the right-hand side of the status bar.
This does not define the type, size or direction of the loads in loadcases. In order to set these parameters, the user must go to either the Loads menu item or the Input loads selection in order context selection field.
While Input Loads is selected you can add and assign loads. Once you've created all the loadcases, use the loads tool corresponding to the load type you want to create and left-click on the element that you want to assign a load to.
Alternatively, select Input Loads from the context selector and click on the Loads menu. This will open a dialog in which you may then specify values as well as type of load (uniform, point or trapezoid).
Repeat the procedure to add loads to all load combinations about to be calculated.
For the loads the user defines load type, direction, magnitude (P), placement (L), eccentricity (e, optional), load width (b, optional) and eccentricity reference (optional). These loads are added to the selected, previously defined, base loadcase. One of the base loadcases defined above must be selected in order to state a load that will operate upon the construction. This is done in the top left dialogue box, as seen above.
Note that load width can only be defined for point loads acting on hollowcores since this value is used in the Punching check according to EN1168 (See Calculation settings).
If the input has been made graphically, the numerical value can be confirmed. The Symbolic image option in the dialogue box shows what the load types look like as a detailed graphical image.
To change the load, use the arrow tool button and click the load to open a dialog.
This will allow you to assign loads for each load combination.